Know about Trigger Finger Treatment without Surgery


What is Trigger Finger?


Also known as stenosing tenosynovitis in medical terms, Trigger Finger is a snapping or clasping condition of fingers or thumb while its opening or closing. Those who are involved in repetitive hand movement activities are more prone to the condition.


What Causes Trigger Finger?

Trigger Finger causes due to the local swelling from the tenderness of the tendon sheath around the flexor tendons. The tendons are responsible for pulling the affected finger inward toward the palm and when it becomes inflamed, the sliding motion through the tendon sheaths becomes difficult. 


Risk Factors Involved 


The condition is usually a consequence of a repetitive injury. Also, there are activities like gardening, shearing, cutting rises the risks of having trigger finger. In addition to these, some health or medical conditions increase the risks of trigger finger. Some of these include inflammation in the hand tissues or rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and some others. Generally, the trigger finger affects the right or left index finger but other fingers or both the hands may also get affected due to it. The need for trigger finger treatment rises in case of severe symptoms felt by the patient.


Symptoms of the Condition


The symptoms of trigger finger can be felt when any of the fingers attempt to tighten closely while gripping objects. Instead of a smooth closure, the finger or thumb snaps closed and cause a rigid sensation to it. Also, the patient may feel the symptoms in more than one finger. The closure is correlated with the pain at the base of the finger or thumb of the hand. There may be a possibility of having mild swelling in the affected palm area.


Diagnosis and Trigger Finger Treatment


 Diagnosis & Treatment 

 Trigger Finger is diagnosed based on the history of snapping sensation experienced by the patient followed by the physical examination to analyze if there is tenderness or nodular inconsistency of the involved flexor tendon, and it can be felt in the palm. 


Describing the treatment options, there are both surgical and natural remedies for trigger finger available to cure the condition. Some home remedies for trigger fingers involve ice, anti-inflammation treatment, finger stretching exercises, and others. If the home remedies for the trigger finger do not work, you can go for a surgical procedure to release the tendon sheath or remove the inflamed tissue. Though surgery helps to cure the condition, but it has several risks involved with it.

Trigger Finger Wand

There is a new non-surgical treatment for trigger finger introduced in the health care industry, known as Trigger Finger Wand. It is an inexpensive alternative to surgery providing a natural cure for trigger finger. No need to live with the annoying and painful trigger finger condition as Trigger Finger Wand is a new, safe, and easy approach. The device works great in reducing the pain, discomfort, catching, and locking of the trigger finger without causing any significant side-effects to the body.

Unlike surgery, which has high expenses, Trigger Finger Wand offers trigger finger treatment without surgery with any high expenses and complication risks. A scar-free treatment for the patients to get rid of the symptoms of trigger finger, specifically at the earlier stages of the condition! It is easy to use and can be reused for multiple fingers as well. The wand is an affordable approach and delivers quick results with the first 20-minute treatment session. 


Bottom Lines

Trigger Finger Wand should be followed by trigger finger tape which can be worn all day. Your range of motion gets improved with this trigger finger treatment and you will be able to do daily activities without any difficulty. Using Trigger Finger wand and tape is considered the best home treatment without following any particular medical procedure. Buy Trigger Finger Wand to cure the symptoms of trigger finger safely and painlessly! It is one of its kinds that have many great features to offer as a home treatment which makes it a suitable option for the patients who are looking for an escape to surgery and its complications.

If you feel any symptoms of trigger finger, Trigger Finger Wand is a worth product to buy that delivers assured results! Shop now!



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