How to Cure Trigger Finger in A Natural Way

 What is Trigger Finger? 

Trigger Finger, which is also called a trigger thumb, is defined as a locking condition of any of the digit of hands hand when in the position of opening or closing. There is a medical term for trigger finger known as Stenosing tenosynovitis in which the tendons bend the fingers slide easily with the help of pulleys. These pulleys detain the tendons close to the bone. The condition occurs when the pulley becomes too massive. 

What are the causes of Trigger Finger?

 In general, trigger finger are common in people having some medical conditions like diabetes, gout, or rheumatoid arthritis. Also, disfigure of the tendon sheath or swelling from any infection can give rise to the trigger finger. Some other causes include repeated and solid gripping activities. The tendons haul the affected finger inward toward the palm in general. When they are aroused, they lean to catch where they normally drive-through the tendon sheath. 

Risk Factors 

It occurs as a confined condition due to the repeated damages. If a person is involved in activities like gardening, pruning, or clipping, they may have high risks of trigger finger. It is also considered as a related condition emerging from a medical condition that causes infection of the tissues of the hand. The most affected finger is the right or left index finger!

Symptoms of Trigger Finger

The symptoms of trigger finger may get initiated with the irritation felt at the base of the finger or thumb, the base is where the finger ties the palm. There can be a lump found at this place and instead of gentle closure; the trigger effect is associated with a rigid sensation of the digit. Also, the symptoms can occur in more than one finger and the closure is usually related to the pain at the base of the finger on the palm of the hand. 

Some other symptoms include the following!

  • Pain
  • Popping 
  • Catching
  • Restricted finger movement 


The treatment of the trigger finger is to eradicate the swelling, catching and locking, allowing the complete and inoffensive movement of the finger. Doctors, general practitioners or physicians generally recognize trigger finger and are involved in the care of patients suffering with trigger finger. Health care professionals examine the trigger finger based on the sensation that a patient feels.

There are some of the common treatments which includes the following!

  • Night splints
  • Anti-inflammatory assistance
  • Restricted activity
  • Injections of steroid 

What are the best treatment options?

You can go for treatments like stretching, ice, and anti-inflammation solutions that are proven to be helpful in the cure. If the non-surgical treatments do not result in relief, surgery is recommended for the cure. The surgical procedure releases the tendon sheath and removes the injured tissue. 

Though surgery is the permanent cure of this specific condition, there is another trigger finger treatment without surgery! Let’s discuss the cure solution in detail. 

Trigger Finger Wand

People can even treat trigger finger treatment at home with a new device introduced in the market. Offered as an alternative to surgery, there is a wand called Trigger Finger Wand is a new, easy and affordable approach to the trigger finger condition. This device is specifically designed to reduce the pain, discomfort, catching and locking of the finger in a completely painless way.
By taking this new approach, you will be able to reduce the swelling in the tendon sheaths and that too in a safe and effective way. Trigger Finger Wand delivers fast results when used with Trigger Finger Tape that is capable of providing a comfortable and consistent stretch to the finger joint and gently helps in reducing discomfort, catching & locking. Not only it is easy, but it also allows the complete use of your hand.

Why the Wand is a Best Treatment Option?

What makes Trigger Finger Wand a best home treatment for trigger finger? You can use the Trigger Finger Wand and follow up with wearing Trigger Finger Tape simply at your home and get an easy solution for the cure. Surprisingly, the wand even delays or eliminates the need for surgery by providing a natural solution to treat the trigger finger. What makes it the best solution is its natural approach that does not cause any side-effects to the body. Additionally, the device is very easy to use, does not leave any scars to the body and even reusable for multiple fingers as well!

Moreover, Trigger Finger Wand delivers fast results and it costs less than an average doctor’s visit. Rub it for 20 minutes over the area and follow it with Trigger Finger tape to notice the progress after each session. You can order the device online at best price! 


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