Know About Trigger Finger and Natural Cure for Trigger Finger

People keep on wondering what causes their finger to lock or catch and get stuck in a bent position! They often feel pain in the morning or whenever they try to straighten their finger. This can be Trigger Finger! 

Do you know about Trigger Finger? Read on to know more about the term! 

Trigger Finger is a common problem in the hand that causes locking and pain in the involved finger or thumb. The technical term used to describe the trigger finger is stenosing tenosynovitis. Trigger Finger involves the flexor tendons of the hand, which are normally smooth and connect to the bones in your fingers. Trigger Finger is caused by inflammation of the synovium, enlargement of the tendon, and thickening o narrowing of the sheath itself, usually in the area of the palm closet to the fingers. 

When the patient grips tight enough, the swollen tendon is suddenly pulled through the sheath with a painful snap, locking the finger in the bent position. The action of straightening the finger from its locked position creates another often painful snapping sensation. 

Let us talk about the causes of Trigger Finger! 

The causes of Trigger Finger are not actually known till date. Some claims state that being involved in work or hobby activities that involve repetitive gripping or holding tools strongly for long periods of time may strain the tendons and cause swelling or irritation of the tendon themselves. 

Patients who are involved with medical problems like diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, or gout may have high risks of developing trigger finger than any average person. 

How one can identify Trigger Finger?

How one can identify the occurrence of the Trigger Finger? It starts with the pain in the area of inflamed tendon lining or sheath. This pain may also get extended into the finger on the top side, but is usually focused on the palm side at the base of the finger. Other symptoms of Trigger Finger include painful locking or snapping of the finger which is worst in the morning.

When symptoms of the condition are going on for several months, the locking may stop but the patient may be left with a stiff finger that does not get bend or straighten as it used to. There is no guarantee that the pain will stop, maybe or maybe not!

What are the treatment options?

Surgery, of course, is the most common and suggested treatment option for the condition. In terms of preferred treatment option, non-surgical treatment for trigger finger is a better alternative in treating Trigger Finger. Who would like to undergo suffering and pain associated with surgery? Additionally, you may have to deal with issues such as long recovery time, 


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