Experiencing Conditions of Trigger Finger and Recovery

 People having Trigger Finger may feel persistent trouble with finger or thumb which gets steadily locked up in a bent position. The bent finger or thumb sometimes caused terrific uneasiness and the person is unable to do daily activities. Not just one finger or thumb, it may also get affected to several fingers too.

 A Brief About Trigger Finger

 Medically known as stenosing tenosynovitis, trigger finger is a painful condition in which the inflamed tendons of the hand cause the finger or thumb to lock in a bent position. As a result, it pops whenever tried to straighten by the person.

 Trigger Finger is not a new concept and many people face this condition, specifically those who have professions or hobbies involving repetitive hand activities. When the tendons (that are located in the palm and come to the fingers through a thin tunnel) becomes inflamed, a small knot is formed and interfere with the regular finger’s functions.

 Describing the causes, there is no sure known cause of the condition. Middle age women are more likely to be affected by this painful condition. Also, some other health issues are considered responsible for this such as diabetes, gout, and rheumatoid arthritis. You may get the chance of trigger finger if you are involved in overuse, gripping, or repeated strain of hand.

What are the symptoms experienced?

The range varies from mild to severe for every person. One can feel irregular, clicking sensation initially leading to significant uneasiness in doing daily activities. Also, Trigger Finger may impact more than one finger as well.

 You may have a trigger finger if there are any signs of the following symptoms!


·      The rigidity of finger, specifically in the morning

·      Clicking or popping sensation with finger’s movement

·      Formation of a nodule in the palm at the base of the affected finger

·      Locking of the finger in a bent position

What are the treatment options?

 Patients with mild symptoms of the condition can go for the trigger finger treatment home remedies such as resting of hand, or anti-inflammatory medications. Injections can effectively help in curing the problem by improving the swelling within the tendon. In case the home remedies prove ineffective in curing trigger finger, the next option would be undoubtedly surgery. Though surgery gives great results in curing the condition with quick recovery, yet people have a fear of the term.

A New Approach - Trigger Finger Wand

 With the advancement in the health-care industry, a non-surgical treatment for trigger finger is now launched in the market, referred to as Trigger Finger Wand. One of the great achievements in the category of trigger finger treatment home remedies, this new device is designed with a completely natural approach so that patients could get an escape from the surgery process.

Trigger Finger Wand is a safe, painless, and effective approach that guarantees the best results in curing the condition. The wand resolves the symptoms of the trigger finger without any side-effects or scars to the body. Also, this trigger finger treatment without surgery can be carried out at home without following any medical procedure.

Benefits of Trigger Finger Wand

 Trigger Finger Wand is a safe, painless, and effective approach that guarantees the best results in curing the condition. The wand resolves the symptoms of the trigger finger without any side-effects or scars to the body. Also, this trigger finger treatment without surgery can be carried out at home without following any medical procedure. Due to the natural approach, there is no risk of any kind of side-effects or harm to the body. Offering a precise, safe and effective ultrasound frequency in addition to a strong, safe, and efficient far-infrared heat frequency, it typically results in a reduction of swelling in the tendon sheaths, which allows the tendons to move freely and improve range of motion in the affected joint.

Affordable price, simple to use device, that offers an alternative to surgery! Rubbing it for 20 minutes can deliver effective results. Moreover, Trigger Finger Wand works great when complemented with Trigger Finger tape and a person will be able to grip things again with efficiency. This new approach, introduced as a non-surgical treatment for trigger finger to get rid of difficulties associated with the trigger finger.



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