Trigger Finger Treatment- Non-Surgical Option for Pain Relief


Trigger Finger, may sound vivid but reduces the efficiency of the patient to use their hand for doing the simple tasks. In simple terms, it is a condition where the thumb or hand gets stuck in a bent position. This results in pain, inflexibility, and locking sensation when an attempt to bend or straighten the finger is made. While straightening, the affected finger moves with a quick or cinching motion resembling the pulling and release of a finger. The name is that is why trigger finger.


The reason for the occurrence of the trigger finger is due to the inflammation of the sheath causing agitated motion of finger tendons through the sheath. 


Patients with trigger fingers most often experience the symptoms in the ring finger and thumb, but this doesn’t imply that the other fingers are not naive to the condition. Any normal person can get a trigger finger and the risk rises to people having conditions like diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis.  


The trigger finger treatment depends on how severe your symptoms are or the degree of function loss in your hand or finger. Various non-surgical treatment for trigger finger is always suggested at the initial stages to the patient. From rest to the finger stretching exercises, splints or braces to medications and steroid injections, these are the prior cure options advised to a patient. Surgery is suggested by the doctors in case these options fail to provide relief to the patient. The goal of undergoing a surgical procedure is to improve the trigger finger by enlarging the sheath to free the tendon. 


Traditional Trigger Finger Treatment Options 


If you are one of those who get diagnosed with trigger finger condition, try on the following traditional treatment options including the following:

  • As some health conditions increase the probability of the condition, patients having underlying medical conditions diabetes or rheumatoid must go treating the condition that is causing the problem

  • Giving rest to the hand for 2-3 weeks by avoiding the repeated engrossing actions. These can help to relieve the symptoms.

  • What more you can do is go for easy-to-do stretching exercises with the affected finger

  • You may also go for occupational therapy like massage, heat, ice, and exercises to improve the condition. 

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs also serve as the trigger thumb treatment without surgery and help in reducing pain & inflammation.

  • Steroid injections into the affected finger may also help in reducing the irritation. 

If some of these explained natural treatments for trigger finger couldn’t cure the condition, or if your symptom endures for 6 months or more, a surgical procedure is recommended by the health professional for the release of the tendon.


Go for a Modern Approach 


The surgical procedure is associated with risks & complications, urging people to go with home remedies instead. For all such patients, there is a new non-surgical treatmentfor trigger finger that has made the cure of trigger finger condition easy & safe. Known as Trigger Finger Wand, it works as a quick and economical solution for the cure and can be easily used at home, both by beginners or professionals. 


Interesting, isn’t it? The wand is so effective in restoring the movement of your hand that there exists no need for surgery. A key point to remember with the device is using it in the earlier stages of the trigger finger for best results. 


What Makes the Device a Must-Go Match?

Well, this is a most-asked inquiry not only for this device but for any new invention popularized in the market. Trigger Finger Wand has gained its popularity due to the complete natural approach that offers an escape from any kind of risks & complications.


Why you should buy the wand is for the following specific reasons:

  • Ease of use 
  • Quick and effective results at a reasonable cost
  • Reusability feature for multiple fingers
  • Reduces the tenderness and locking of the finger with home comfort
  • No scars post-treatment, no side-effects experienced
  • A portable device, easy to carry with
  • Incorporates ultrasound and far-infrared technology.

Trigger Finger Wand has made the natural treatment for trigger finger possible without much strife for the patient. You can get the wand online and use it for 20-30 minutes as per the guided instructions to see the quick results.



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