Who Gets Frequent Trigger Finger or Thumb?

What is Trigger Finger?

Trigger finger affects our life and daily to daily chores badly. In trigger finger, our fingers or thumb get locked and our hand movements get struck. The result is only inflammation. Trigger finger can happen to anyone and even in both hands too. The reasons for its happenings are certain and uncertain. However, the good news is that it is a curable disease. You may prefer trigger finger treatment home remedies as per the finger or thumb pain condition. Moreover, natural  treatment  for trigger finger work effectively and give comfort. Next, it depends upon the condition of locking finger or thumb to what treatment is the best for that.

Who gets frequent trigger finger?

Trigger finger is common and the reason of its occurring is over and repetitive use of hands. Now, here is explained who gets frequent trigger finger;

·      Farmers

·      Musicians

·      Industrial workers

·      Women

·      The age group of 40-60

·      People who use hands for multiple repetitive movements

·      People who have jobs, tasks, and hobbies that require frequent, strong grasping, gripping, lifting the objects, and forceful use of hands and fingers.

Symptoms of Trigger Finger

·      Popping sensation in moving finger or thumb

·      Swelling and inflammation

·      Pain and stiffness while bending thumb or finger

·         Locking in the thumb or finger

·         Inability to fully flex the finger

Trigger Finger Treatment Home Remedies:

Looking for home remedies to cure locking finger or thumb at home then here are the solutions:

1. Rest therapy

Once you feel pain in finger or thumb then it is advisable to take proper rest. Avoid the use of hands for work. Take at least 1 week rest.

2. Heat and Ice pack therapy

Heat and Ice pack therapy gives instant comfort in hands motions. Both the therapies can be taken at the same time. Heat pack reduces the inflammation in fingers. Where Ice pack numbs the pain and soothes the affected area. You can use both packs several times a day.

3. Trigger Finger Wand

Trigger Finger Wand is a natural home remedy totreat trigger finger. You can buy this product if you often suffer from this problem. It gives effective results when rubs around the affected area for 20 minutes. Further, Trigger Finger Tape supports your locking fingers or thumb effectively. So, if you are looking for a quick solution for trigger finger then this is a must-buy product.

4. Physical therapy

It includes light stretching of hands to improve the hand’s motions. You can perform minor stretches to improve the positions of your fingers or thumb. But when you have unbearable pain then do not perform any exercise.

5. Anti-inflammatory drugs

You can take ibuprofen-type anti-inflammatory drugs to get instant comfort from the trigger finger. Many times, these drugs worked to give relief in pain to patients.


Treatment of the trigger finger is a must as it gradually increases over time. It is very painful when we could not bend our finger or thumb. So, the take help of these natural home remedies for treating trigger finger. In addition to this, when you are in a critical situation with a trigger finger then you should visit to doctor. Possibly, you might have to take surgical treatment. Otherwise, these home remedies work effectively to give comfort to the trigger finger.


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